Seven Steps to Craft a Powerful Marketing Message

Follow thee Seven Steps to Craft a Powerful Marketing Message!

Here is the Formula

(Your Target - Primary Name) [connecting phrase] (Your Company Name) [connecting phrase] (USP - unique selling proposition) [connecting phrase] (what you do) [connecting phrase] (target's problems + emotions) [connecting phrase] (Your Target -  Secondary Name) [connecting phrase - results] (results achieved for target).

Here are the Seven Steps

Your Marketing Message: Step 1 - Identify Your Target

Who is your target?  You are in business because you solve problems for other people.  Your target is experiencing some pain or has some need that must be filled. Who has it?

Is your target young or old?  Male or Female?  What is their economic status?  What makes them tick?  Spend some time pondering just who it is that you are wanting to buy your products or services.

Select the two most appropriate phrases that your target would agree identifies them.  (Both of these will be used in your marketing message)

Your Marketing Message: Step 2 - List the Problems your Target Has That You Can Solve

An effective marketing message begins with your target -- not you or your company.  Keep in mind that your target is concerned about themselves, not your company.  Their only interest in your company is how you can solve their problem, meet their need or lessen their pain!

Your Marketing Message: Step 3 - List the Emotions that Your Target is Experiencing due to their Problems

There are only two families of emotion: positive and negative.  Every emotion can be grouped in one or the other.  Since you are in business because you solve problems, and because problems come with an emotional attachment, you need to identify what your target FEELS as a result of their problem.

People make decisions emotionally.  You may be able to pique the interest of some with some an intellectual or theoretical approach, but decisions are driven by emotion.  If something "sounds" right to them (intellect) but it doesn't "feel" right, they usually do not buy.

Emotions need to affirm the intellect, so don't leave emotion out of your message!

Your product or service may be exactly what your target needs, so try and engage them emotionally and intellectually.  Just keep in mind that the emotional aspect will be what makes them willing to hear the details (intellectual part).

Your Marketing Message: Step 4 - List How You Can Solve Your Target's Problems

What do you do that solves their problem, relieves their pain, meets their need?  What is your "remedy" to their "illness"?

Your Marketing Message: Step 5- List What Makes You Different (Better Choice) than Your Competition

There are others that do what you do.  Why should they choose you instead?  What sets you apart from your competitors?  What makes you a better choice?  What additional benefit do you bring?

Your Marketing Message: Step 6 - List the Results that Your Target will Experience as a Result of Your Products or Services

The proof is in the pudding.  What do your existing clients experience as a result of choosing you?  List both the empirical and emotional results that your clients receive as a result of choosing your company.

Your Marketing Message: Step 7 - Take Steps 1-6 and Embed The Refined Phrases into The Formula Below

We'll use Best Way Websites as an example for you.

(Your Target - Primary Name): Small Business Owners

[connecting phrase]: 

(Your Company Name): Best Way Websites

[connecting phrase]:

(USP - unique selling proposition): 19 Years Successful Experience, Exclusive CMS, Local Support

[connecting phrase]: 

(what you do): Expert, Affordable, Local Website Services

[connecting phrase]:

(target's problems): ignorance, conflicting information, missing opportunities due to poorly developed or marketed website (not "findable" or not "responsive to mobiles", unable to manage site on their own or unable to find an affordable webmaster, no time to self-manage websites

(target's emotions): confusion, frustration, overwhelmed, fear, despair

[connecting phrase]: 

(Your Target -  Secondary Name): Entrepreneurs

[connecting phrase - results]: 

(results achieved for target): Save Time, Feel Freedom, Provide Calm, Relieve Stress, Restore Hope, Relaxation, Confidence, More Clients & More Money

Here is the Completed Marketing Message

Version 1

Small Business Owners and Entrepreneurs that choose Best Way Websites (the local experts with 19 years of success) can be stress-free, save time and make more money because we help them properly develop and manage their websites and internet marketing with our expert staff and exclusive, powerful tools.  

You can focus on operating your business and doing what you do best, being confident that we're conscientiously overseeing your online presence. 

Shorter Version 2

We make it easy for small business owners to grow and manage their businesses by helping them create, market and maintain attractive, effective and affordable websites.  We provide as much help as they want so they can focus on taking care of business and making more money.

Best Way Websites is an Easy Website Building and CMS (Content Management System) created for small businesses,
enabling them to easily, effectively and affordably manage their websites.
